Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The 55th Story, Nigeria

Today is another good day, it’s better than the 54th year of our independence, it will give birth and hope to the 56th year. We are here undivided and strong, very ready to settle amongst ourselves the differences that terrorise our well-being. We are still one, peaceful and loving, amidst daily struggles with insurgency and upheaval. Today we are another Nigeria.
We are no longer the Nigeria that mock our weaknesses and laugh at our undoing, we are together with one voice speaking up against corruption. We are no longer interested in jokes which portray us as criminals and people of low or no integrity, our interest now lies in building our integrity as a nation state. What we have today is not what we ever had, we have a Nigeria with a great responsibility; to be a true nation state where potentials are realities.
These are not mere words, they remain our national goals. They are not futuristic altogether, they are living in our hearts, we think it. Now they are ready to grow out of us, we are this newness, this new story we told yesterday. Today our listeners are become witnesses. For us and we, this is Nigeria which is mine and yours forever.

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