Take Action Today
Anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day. It can be as simple as lighting a candle at noon, sitting in silent meditation, or doing a good deed for someone you don’t know. Or it can involve getting your co-workers, organization, community or government engaged in a large event. You can also share thoughts, messages and pictures to commemorate Peace Day on social media. Here are a couple of other ideas to get you going..
Search for an organized event in your local area.
Share a selfie on social media using the #PeaceDay hashtag. Use our downloadable art to reflect this year’s Right to Peace theme. Get your friends and family members involved too! IHaveARightToPeace.pdf WeAllHaveARightToPeace.pdf
Help us Make #PeaceDay Trend on September 21 by tweeting, posting and sharing your thoughts, pictures and message of peace throughout the day.
Join people across the world in a Minute of Silence, Moment of Peace at noonin every time zone.
Consider gathering for a Global Feast for Peace, including foods from different cultures, or interfaith dialogue, or just gather to break bread.
Have a discussion or create an art activity around what this year’s theme, “Right of Peoples to Peace” means to your group.
Involve your Faith/Spiritual Community in Peace Day
Tell your favorite Radio Stations about Peace Day:
Set for Peace (DJs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc4ngEM8voE
Set for Peace (DJs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc4ngEM8voE
Participate in a Global Meditation on September 21 for the International Day of Peace at 19:00 UTC/ GMT worldwide.
Open or close your gatherings with the simple universal statement of peace, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” Or display the message of peace, “May Peace Prevail on Earth”, with your own Peace Pole.
Bring music and inspiration into the lives of children around the world. Join in on the 4thAnnual Playing for Change Day on September 20.
Participate in PeaceCast, a free, not-for-profit webcast streaming video online that will run continuously for 48 hours spanning all global time zones, starting from Peace Day’s first minute on September 21, 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand until its last in Honolulu Hawaii.
36 hour, 6th Annual Peaceday.tv broadcast. Live from the United Nations. Music, messages of peace from celebrities and humanitarians, and educational presentations.
If futbol/football/soccer is a part of your life and you are passionate about inspiring peace within your community, get involved withOne Day One Goal.
If you are a dancer, a dance teacher or simply someone who loves to dance, then One Day One Dance is the perfect way to express your passion for peace.
If you love singing and belong to a choir, run one or want to create one just for the day, then One Day One Choir is a perfect way to get together and sing for peace.
Watch a Peace Day Roots & Shoots message to live in harmony with all living things on this Earth from Dr. Jane Goodall
“A key ingredient in building culture of peace is education. The young of today deserve a radically different education – one that does not glorify war but educates for peace, non-violence and international cooperation.”
– Ambassador A. K. Chowdhury, Former UN Under-Secretary-General & High Representative and former head of UNICEF
– Ambassador A. K. Chowdhury, Former UN Under-Secretary-General & High Representative and former head of UNICEF
Create and fly Peace Doves in cooperation with Dr. Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots.http://www.janegoodall.ca/documents/SmallDoveInstructions_000.pdf
For teachers, find out how you can involve your school in Peace Day activities.
Encourage your local school district to get involved in Peace Day activities. For inspiration, read how the Chicago Public Schools have gotten involved since 2008.
Make Peace Cranescontaining wishes and poems for peace, and share them locally or with kids across the world.http://armedwiththearts.org/peace-crane-project/
Create a visual reminder that we live in one world and all share similar hopes and dreams with a Peace Flag.
Promote the arts by coordinating assemblies of young artists of all ages to draw their vision of peace with the CHALK4PEACEproject.http://www.chalk4peace.org/eventinfo.html
Celebrate International Day of Peace with “whirled peace” by “planting” a Pinwheel for Peace.
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