Saturday, 17 October 2015

What Ladies will Kill for

Have you ever asked your girl to cut her hair? I am sure you will receive the appropriate reply. Then your reply will be more profound and elaborate if she has just fixed a Brazilian hair extension, na you go advise yourself. I remember asking one of my friends what will trip her off, and smilingly she said 'a Brazilian hair will certainly do the magic'. Well...end of that discussion. But guys, as you dey take her around Ikeja shopping mall, Silverbird, Ozone...and smilingly will you be a good guy, no wahala. Make sure you get your ATM card, oh, no debit card, bros is a senior man. 'You can have worefa you like' will come singing in your mind.....Next!

No confuse, they are chocolates. Happy is that guy whose girl loves chocolates more than Brazilian hair, iPhone 6 worefa...your pockets shall see your children's children. If she smiles, shrugs her shoulder and says 'Chocolates are my favourites'. Yeepi! You are lucky, man. The only thing is that you will have to watch out for her sugar level. Make sure  that she is aware of her limits and cuts down on her sugar intake. Better still, there are chocolates that are sugar free....Next 

This is the latest BB device with Android operating system, not like X3. The good news is that BB is yet to release this high-tech phone. Guys always be on the lookout for the release, it is necessary for you. Because when they finally launch it, make sure that you don't parade with your girl near those stores at the shopping stores too, if you like use online stores for you go know what's next....

Saturday, 3 October 2015

'Nigeria, If we stay here, we die?'

In a speech rendered by one of the discussants at The Platform, Iganmu, we are meant to understand that Nigeria has got to stand up like the four lepers in the Bible and move ahead or die. This proposition will only warrant us to interrogate our present situation and validate the notion that there is a need to either remain or move ahead to glory. But the sad question has always been 'What do we do?', what is to be done is the hardest question one can answer in the Nigeria situation. It sounds so easy and comfortable for political office holders to tell us that they will do this and that, however, it has not been a reality.

'What do we do' helps us to understand the role we as citizens of Nigeria need to play in order to replace the much vaunted promises of our office holders, who talk and do not perform. 'What do we do', also, informs us of our duties before election, whether it is doable for us to collect money from candidates who will see the money given to us as investments and later await a tremendous turnover when they eventually win. Then, we will understand that it is upon to us to scrutinize people who we intend to give mandate to represent us. 'What do we do' implies that during and after election we should be part of the process and ready to die because of our votes if there is an attempt to cast it into the red sea it. What we have always done is that we let our vote cast into the pockets of poor leaders.
                                                   What do we do?

This also informs us that we owe Nigeria the voice that shouts vehemently, that speaks out loud when policies implemented are not in the interest of us. If the National Assembly members can afford to fight not minding their Agbada and coat, we should not mind fighting with trousers and skirts, buba and khaki, we should not be ashamed to take a solidarity walk to the government houses. 'What do we do' indicates that we have had enough. It also means that we are ready to move ahead because if we stay here, Nigeria, we die!     

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The 55th Story, Nigeria

Today is another good day, it’s better than the 54th year of our independence, it will give birth and hope to the 56th year. We are here undivided and strong, very ready to settle amongst ourselves the differences that terrorise our well-being. We are still one, peaceful and loving, amidst daily struggles with insurgency and upheaval. Today we are another Nigeria.
We are no longer the Nigeria that mock our weaknesses and laugh at our undoing, we are together with one voice speaking up against corruption. We are no longer interested in jokes which portray us as criminals and people of low or no integrity, our interest now lies in building our integrity as a nation state. What we have today is not what we ever had, we have a Nigeria with a great responsibility; to be a true nation state where potentials are realities.
These are not mere words, they remain our national goals. They are not futuristic altogether, they are living in our hearts, we think it. Now they are ready to grow out of us, we are this newness, this new story we told yesterday. Today our listeners are become witnesses. For us and we, this is Nigeria which is mine and yours forever.

Emergency Ambulance on a Traffic

Have you ever been on traffic before and an emergency ambulance is looking for a way out? mehn!... a horrible experience. It's just that people are getting use to a lot of things here in Lagos, that's why people get their snatched away from them and nobody did act anything, that na before shey? Mek e be so...But this whole traffic thing must have a solution, seriously there must be a way out. The whole thing for me is stereotypical, all the whole rush-rush. Maruwa will switch from one lane to another, Danfo will run on the culvert, even  Lagbus na don dey join them. Imagine where Lagbus dey commot from im lane dey run on the other ones, na so Danfo dey enter BRT lane dey waka dey go. Abeg, I dey beg una, dis traffic thing suppose don stop by now, even if na to use train, boat, canoe...anything, Keke-na-Wheel barrow, anyhow. Because my heart nearly cut as I dey for traffic come hear emergency siren...mek person no die because of traffic ooooo....mek I drop'm here sha

Naija at 54-55

Tomorrow this great nation will be 55years old. Then all of us will shout Happy Birthday to you, and we will congratulate ourselves. Finally we don try, at least we have disappointed all them deadliners who said that we will disappear or disintegrate by 2015, but we still dey kamkpe, we full ground. For all our trials and fighting, even when our leaders dey throw punches and kicks at the National Assembly upon sey dey wear agbada and coat, we still carry on. E no mean sey we no get common sense, for after the fight we share the news, the news...(laughs). Nigeria!
I just want us to reflect on all our weaknesses, how can we turn them into our opportunities, theory, right? But we can work out something for ourselves, we have the market for goods, we have the human capacity for work, 'there is no work o'. Weeeelll, that's another matter. That's why I'm calling you to think with me, let's make Naija a better place to stay...anyway, mek we dey wait for tomorrow as we dey think. 

Friday, 25 September 2015

'Kind of Hairstyle Every Girl Ask For'

Both hairstyles look exquisite, I know tomorrow will be a day for your hairstyle rendezvous. There are other good looking hairstyles you wanna try out. Make sure you have your money for it. They are gonna look good on you. I am not particularly into this hair thing. Well that's why I am gonna let it be so short no much commenting, I will let my good girl do her thing.,

Well, this is probably a good countdown on the woman's thing. Oh! she is gonna kill me for it. I want to make a choose for her, bad English for you, for me, its good styling for the conversation. I hope you are looking at the pictures, I mean the hairstyle because if not...well, ladies, lets go ahead with the countdown.

Lets leave it here...we will sha continue from here later