Saturday, 17 October 2015

What Ladies will Kill for

Have you ever asked your girl to cut her hair? I am sure you will receive the appropriate reply. Then your reply will be more profound and elaborate if she has just fixed a Brazilian hair extension, na you go advise yourself. I remember asking one of my friends what will trip her off, and smilingly she said 'a Brazilian hair will certainly do the magic'. Well...end of that discussion. But guys, as you dey take her around Ikeja shopping mall, Silverbird, Ozone...and smilingly will you be a good guy, no wahala. Make sure you get your ATM card, oh, no debit card, bros is a senior man. 'You can have worefa you like' will come singing in your mind.....Next!

No confuse, they are chocolates. Happy is that guy whose girl loves chocolates more than Brazilian hair, iPhone 6 worefa...your pockets shall see your children's children. If she smiles, shrugs her shoulder and says 'Chocolates are my favourites'. Yeepi! You are lucky, man. The only thing is that you will have to watch out for her sugar level. Make sure  that she is aware of her limits and cuts down on her sugar intake. Better still, there are chocolates that are sugar free....Next 

This is the latest BB device with Android operating system, not like X3. The good news is that BB is yet to release this high-tech phone. Guys always be on the lookout for the release, it is necessary for you. Because when they finally launch it, make sure that you don't parade with your girl near those stores at the shopping stores too, if you like use online stores for you go know what's next....

Saturday, 3 October 2015

'Nigeria, If we stay here, we die?'

In a speech rendered by one of the discussants at The Platform, Iganmu, we are meant to understand that Nigeria has got to stand up like the four lepers in the Bible and move ahead or die. This proposition will only warrant us to interrogate our present situation and validate the notion that there is a need to either remain or move ahead to glory. But the sad question has always been 'What do we do?', what is to be done is the hardest question one can answer in the Nigeria situation. It sounds so easy and comfortable for political office holders to tell us that they will do this and that, however, it has not been a reality.

'What do we do' helps us to understand the role we as citizens of Nigeria need to play in order to replace the much vaunted promises of our office holders, who talk and do not perform. 'What do we do', also, informs us of our duties before election, whether it is doable for us to collect money from candidates who will see the money given to us as investments and later await a tremendous turnover when they eventually win. Then, we will understand that it is upon to us to scrutinize people who we intend to give mandate to represent us. 'What do we do' implies that during and after election we should be part of the process and ready to die because of our votes if there is an attempt to cast it into the red sea it. What we have always done is that we let our vote cast into the pockets of poor leaders.
                                                   What do we do?

This also informs us that we owe Nigeria the voice that shouts vehemently, that speaks out loud when policies implemented are not in the interest of us. If the National Assembly members can afford to fight not minding their Agbada and coat, we should not mind fighting with trousers and skirts, buba and khaki, we should not be ashamed to take a solidarity walk to the government houses. 'What do we do' indicates that we have had enough. It also means that we are ready to move ahead because if we stay here, Nigeria, we die!